Trauma Informed Care Microcredential - Fall 2025

Knowing about trauma and toxic stress isn't enough. To create a healing program, service, organization or classroom, trauma-informed behaviors must be implemented to create healing places and practices. To ensure Trauma Informed Care Microcredential participants have practiced how to do this work, they will engage in two projects. Participants will engage in 2-3 hours of content weekly beginning in August 2025. This training meets the criteria of the Iowa Board of Social Work Examiners for continuing social work education for a maximum of 40 hours. St. Ambrose University School of Social Work is a licensed provider of social work education through the Illinois Department of Professional and Financial Regulation and will grant a maximum of 40 continuing education units. (IDFPR license # 159.000816). The 2024-2025 program is full. For information aout the 2025-2026 program, please contact Jennifer Best at

