Deposit--Nursing in Colombia

Course: NURS 399 National/International Study Abroad (1 credit) Program Description Experience a unique partnership with Juan N. Corpas University School of Nursing in Bogota, Colombia to explore nursing care in the on campus comprehensive hospital system; on campus gardens with local plants and herbs used for complementary care and research; and visit two local Corpas health care clinics and one non local clinic in Villa de Leyva. Experience a different culture, language, customs, sights and food in this 10-day immersion abroad that will change the way you see your world and your clients. The major aim of this course is to provide a comparative view of health care systems, health care delivery, traditional and complementary treatment in Colombia and the United States within the perspective of nursing. Classroom seminar experiences as well as onsite experiences in Colombia are designed to build knowledge of how the U.S. and Colombia compare in relation to the role of nursing, health and illness, and the systems and delivery of health care.

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